Arizona Townhome

As part of our senior year Capstone, I was tasked with creating a townhome based in Tucson, Arizona. This project showcased my ability to translate concepts into tangible, captivating spaces. Tasked with a set of specific requirements, I was able to design a home from the ground up by conducting research and demographics, while also having the opportunity to showcase my creativity all within the set restrictions. Some of these requirements included maximum square footage, using the correct building materials and style based on my location, as well as catering to the clients needs. With this, I created a 4 Bed, 2 Bath Townhome (on each floor), with a common area kitchen, living, and dining room. 

Below you will find the Renderings, Floor Plan, RCP, and Elevations to the Space


Kitchen Rendering


Mood Boards & Furniture Boards